Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Daily Lesson for December 8, 2015

Today's Daily Lesson comes from Psalm 36 verse 9:

"In your light do we see light."

The days are now growing much shorter and the darkness setting in.  These are the darkest days as we move more quickly towards the solstice, which comes from the Latin words sol meaning "sun", and sistere meaning "to stand still".  The sun is now coming to a stand still.

And amidst the sun's decline and darkness's rise we light our lights.  Christmas lights glow, trees sparkle, and the dim flickering flames of hope, peace, joy, and love hang on. The smoldering wick holds out against the darkness.  It is all a protest against the dying of the light, small acts of defiance against suffocating darkness.

Mourners in San Bernardino gathered last night in vigil. As a part of the solemn time together, they lit candles.  A thousand lights going up, driving back the darkness.

"And in the dark streets shineth; an everlasting light."

Even in the darkest season along the darkest streets, there is still light to be found amongst those who see by "the Light of very Light" -- even when the sun stands still.

And so now our task as the people of Light is to keep it, protect it, and mark our protest with it -- and hold out stubbornly with it until the dark night of Solstice is passed.

"For the Light shines in the darkness and the darkness cannot overcome it."

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