Friday, February 13, 2015

Daily Lesson for February 13, 2015

Today's daily lesson comes from Mark 10 verse 41:

 "And when the ten heard it, they began to be indignant at James and John."

Often what we despise in the character and behavior of others is a reflection of something we have yet to see or come to terms with in ourselves. Someone screams about how intolerant others are, yet they themselves display very little toleration and no compassion toward those who think or believe differently. A person rants about Godless atheists, but the qualities of Godly love and kindness are nowhere to be found in his own life. An older brother self-righteously scorns his younger brother because the younger left their home and father and squandered everything in Vegas-baby living; yet secretly the older too wanted to shuck responsibility, leave home, see the Bellagio, play the slots, and maybe even drink enough to work up the nerve to see a strip club.

In today's lesson two of Jesus' disciples, the brothers James and John, have asked Jesus to let them be on his right and left when he comes into his kingdom. The other 10 disciples are incensed. "How dare they be so vilely arrogant and hungry for power!" Soon, a fight breaks out. Only Jesus keeps his cool, "Whoever would be great among you must be last;" he says, "and whoever would be first must be the slave. For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve."

Only he with a true servant's heart can harbor no jealousy or anger toward those who would wish to be masters of the universe. Only he who stays at home with the father in his heart can keep from despising his brother who ran off to Vegas.

Somebody's going to do something to draw out my indignation today; that'll be a good opportunity for me to check my own heart.

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