Friday, November 14, 2014

Daily Lesson for November 14, 2014

Today's daily lesson comes from Luke chapter 16 verse 9:

"And I tell you, make friends for yourselves by means of unrighteous wealth,so that when it fails they may receive you into the eternal dwellings."

Wow. I have heard of the trickle down economics, but this here is the trickle up economy.  If we make friends with our money here on earth, those friends will welcome us into heaven.

But note it says, "Make friends."  It doesn't say send a check. It doesn't say happily pay your portion of the entitlement program tax.  It doesn't even say volunteer to serve Thanksgiving dinner at the shelter. It says, "Make friends."  That may well be the most demanding commandment in the Scriptures, because friendships take time, energy, and intimacy.  In order to be a friend you first have to be willing to be close.

Sometimes when I am visiting a friend out of town we'll have lunch or dinner out at a restaurant.  After the meal, I will reach for my wallet.   "No," he says, "you're money is no good here."

When we get to heaven the first thing they are going to say is, "You're money is no good here." And the only currency we'll have left are the friendships we've made.

As I said at the beginning -- wow.

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