Monday, July 28, 2014

Daily Lesson for July 28, 2014

Today's Lesson comes from Romans chapter 16 verse 1:

"I commend to you our sister Phoebe, a servant of the church . . ."

This seems like such a simple and straightforward verse - Paul commending to the church at Rome a faithful servant member.  But there is actually more to this verse, more in its actual words, than first meets the eye - in English anyway.

Paul is writing his letter to the church at Rome and has apparently sent this woman, Phoebe, as his courier.  He asks the church to greet her and then goes on to tell them how she has aided Paul in his ministry as a "patron" - meaning one who out of their largesse in giving, helps to pay the way for others.  She is wealthy and generous with her wealth and for that Paul calls her a "saint" and also a "servant".

Or, perhaps more.  The word translated above is actually the Greek word "diakonon" which can be translated as servant, but is also often translated as "minister".  And, it is the same Greek word from which we get our church word "deacon".  That is right, the early church had a female deacon.

It is left to your judgement why it is that most versions of the English Bible have oftentimes chosen to translate the word "diakonon" as "minister" or "deacon" when it refers to or is presumed to refer to men while translating it "servant" when it refers to Phoebe.  But let me just say the early church would not have been what it was without Phoebe; and today's church would not be what it is without the women like her.

Thank God for the Phoebes - saints, servants, ministers, and deacons.

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