Thursday, February 13, 2014

Daily Lesson for Feb 13, 2014

Today's Daily Lesson from Romans 12:

19 Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, "Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” 

Here is something we all have to come to terms with if we are going to grow up: in this world we're going to be wronged - a lot.

I used to think if I could just be nice and friendly enough and explain things well enough then I could inoculate myself against enmity from other people. But over the years I have been surprised again and again how mean-spirited and vindictive people can sometimes be. I was especially surprised when the mean-spiritedness came from church people - people who are supposed to be models of brotherly love.

Well, the church is supposed to be a model of brotherly love; but brotherly love does not mean love without conflict and strife. I mean, have you ever been around brothers? We will be hurt and wronged in the church, just as we will in any family, or community, or institution. The question is, when we are hurt or wronged how are we going to respond?

The lesson today reminds us never to act with spite or vengeance in our hearts. While I have to confess there is something pleasurable in acting spitefully, ultimately that pleasure is fleeting and unbecoming. We wouldn't want our grandmothers to see us acting that way - nor would we want God.

The Apostle Paul says never to return wrongdoing with wrongdoing. Vengeance belongs in the hands of God. God will take care of who is to get what's coming. God knows a lot better how to handle that sort of thing with appropriate measure. 

For our part, instead of vengeance Paul reminds us of the Proverb which tells us to feed our enemy if he is hungry and to give him water if he is thirsty. "By this," the Proverb says, "[we] heap burning coals on his head." In other words, we kill him with kindness. Or better, we burn off what needs to be burned off so that what is pure might come out.

Don't set yourself up for disappointment because of false expectations.. In this world we will have troubles and be wronged - even in church. So be ready. Decide now never to return wrong with wrong. What good is there in allowing ourselves to be pulled into the mud? That's no way to live for us, and offers no redemption for those who are stuck there themselves.

There is a better way. And Paul nails it. "Do not be overcome with evil, he says, "but overcome evil with good." 

Now let's remind each other of that this week when . . .

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