Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Daily Lesson: January 8, 2013

Today's Lesson from Exodus 17 verse 6:

"Behold, I will stand before you there on the rock at Horeb, and you shall strike the rock, and water shall come out of it, and the people will drink."

The people are in a panic. Traveling through a dry and barren wilderness where there is no water, they begin to panic. They wonder, "Has God led us all this way just to bring us to die in the desert?" Then they turn on each other, and they especially turn on their leader Moses. They want to kill the pastor who got them into this mess!

Then God reveals His plan. Moses is to strike a rock with his staff to find water. 

The wilderness is a place of testing. We thirst; and seeing no water we panic. We point fingers, blame God, and second guess everything. Finally we settle for doing the only thing we can think of. We round up a committee to get rid of the pastor. Maybe that'll fix things. 

But the water we are looking for is always deeper. It is beneath the surface. It is hidden from our eyes. It is a reservoire of inner strength we have to dig deep to find. And finding it, we realize why we had to thirst so deeply - because if we had not been desperate we never would have struck the rock.

The author of Hebrews said that rock had a name - it was Christ hisself. If we strike that Rock, if we dig deep, we are sure to find the aquifer we need to sustain us through life's wildernesses.

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