Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Daily Lesson for October 15, 2014

Today's Daily Lesson comes from the book of Acts chapter 27 verse 26:

 “But we must run aground . . .”

They just would not listen. Intent on getting home, the ship's steersman and owner convinced the centurion that it would be best to set out onto the Great Sea even though it was very late in the season to be setting sail. They still had time, they said; and they could handle it. 

It turns out they way overestimated themselves and way underestimated Mother Nature. They saw what they wanted to be true, and turned a blind eye to what was likely to be true.

In his best seller book on leadership "Good to Great", Jim Collins said the best leaders are able to confront the most brutal facts about their reality. These persons do not wear rose colored glasses, but see whatever situation they are in as it really is, and themselves as they really are. In other words, they are never in denial of their own reality.

Their was on aboard the Castor and Pollux who could see reality as it was, a landlubber turned experienced seafarer named Paul of Tarsus. He warned the crew of the dangers of setting sail that late in the season, and when they would not listen he spoke the plain truth about the consequences.  "We must run aground," he said.

That's a harsh reality. Nobody wants to run aground; and its a lot easier to pray for a miracle. But a captain and sailors who have accepted the reality will be prepared, if not to avoid shipwreck, at least to survive it.

And for that I say, thank God for reality checks.

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