Friday, August 29, 2014

Daily Lesson for August 29, 2014

Today's Daily Lesson comes from Psalm 16 verse 3:

"As for the saints in the land, they are the excellent ones."

Let me be straight with you -- the church ain't perfect. As has often been said, if you ever find a perfect church then please don't join it as once you become a member it will no longer be perfect.

On her worst days the church can really break our hearts. She  has her people who will make you want to pull out your hair. She has her factions that will make you want to do the same. She can be small-minded, petty, too set in her ways, and guaranteed to painfully disappoint us at some point. And I haven't even mentioned the preaching .  .  .

But on her best days the church is the people who keep the faith, forgive us our trespasses, bear our burdens, heal our broken hearts, show up with a casserole, pay respects at the visitation, and look after the widow and orphan.

No one should go without such a community.

The great Texas cattleman Charles Goodnight was 91 years of age when his 26-year-old wife finally got him to going to church. He joined the church not long before he died at 93. When asked what kind of church it was Goodnight replied characteristically, "I don't know what kind of church it is; but it's a damn good one."

That's right.

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